Saturday, July 31, 2010

Home after three weeks and POP!

Things that POP!ped in my mind when I opened this and asked myself what to say:

1. Inception (it has taken 75% of my mind since I watched it last week--not the movie,per se, but the questions. Anyway. I should really stop thinking about it 'cause it's messing up my already-poor listening-in-class skill.) PS I rarely feel this way about movies as I'm not a movie buff!

2. Should I delete my old posts--again. Heh.

3. Complain about being stuck HERE.

4. Try to put more sense into this blog as I realized this past week that I'd really like to have something to read and laugh about when (if!) I become old and wrinkly :( and, by that time I hope, wise.

5.How 4 is the reason for not doing 2.

6. Why am I not attracted to college guys (hahaha! shallow ba?). Most friends & acquaintances are always like, "oh he's cute!" "gwapo!" and I'm always like, um yea whatever. Certain guys (men!) over 35 have always caught my attention, though. Eeek.

7. How I'll probably be talking about these more when I'm not half-asleep like I am now. I NEED MORE THAN 24 HOURS IN A DAY& AT LEAST 8 FOR SLEEPING, OK. LESS THAN 8, IM USELESS AND CRANKY--most of the time. 

8.RE this post, I'll probably say this to self tomorrow--Ohgod. What the hell am I talking about. Embarrassing, yes but I'm not, should not, going to delete 'cause I have to be self-accepting. AND WHAT AM I GOING TO LAUGH ABOUT IF I DELETE ALL MY STUPIDITY.

9. ufiaojiushdushaufivhuishvj

Friday, July 23, 2010

Not to be such a complainer about things

but im just really pissed off right now--this isnt even a thought-out post as im writing from my phone. Besides it's my personal space. Heh.

Some people just NEVER grow up. They only see [superficial] flaws in others and don't even think about what they say. Such stupidity.

Truth is, I've never really been an easy judge to please when it comes to looks. But I stopped being such a flaw-picker when I realized it's not fair to judge people by how they look. And why hurt people with these stupid comments when it'll do me no good.

So why don't you stop. I'll mind my own business when you stop talking shit about me. I cant believe I used to look up to you.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I should really get rid

of these friends who only calls me when they need something. It's unhealthy and esteem-sucking. But I have always been unhealthy & insecure & self-unassured so why bother.

No, it's not being-a-pushover kind of thing I'm sure of it. Sometimes, it's just fun to pretend you care (about what they say, what stories they tell, how they react) when you really don't. But I do care sometimes--not just when I think they're being overlydramatic about simple things and end up being plain annoying. Oh and when they keep talking about the same stuff over and over

and over
and over
and over
and over.

Monday, July 19, 2010

FIRST for the nth time!

I have a problem keeping things, i have a problem with permanence. Um, pretty much with not just with sites/blogs but check out my old, last post (i had 4posts!) here in this site "no matter how great my urge to delete what I previously wrote, I won't"

Eeeeh whatever. Had a lotta sites before this--three Blogspots, one LJ, three Tumblrs--which I deleted, I think. So cant really say if I'll stay here. Hopefully I will.