Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Remix of good and bad


1. Arielle was confined... she got a dengue scare. Thank heavens, it was just flu. And another yay for not celebrating her 16th birthday in the hospital! Happy birthday, babe.

2. The Fight has been resolved. I went home yesterday and saw the two of them smiling and laughing at each other again. (TBH, I don't know what to feel about this. I just listed this under GOOD 'cause they're happy.)

3. I'm currently on Y!M with Fiona.

4. Heh, my mind isn't working. I'm pretty sure a lot of things made me smile lately. I just cannot pinpoint.

Anywayyy moving on to the bad.

1. So, the semester's ending in roughly 2 weeks.  I know I should be, like, OMGWTF WOOHOO. But the exams are just piled up! I had four this week and I'll have more than that next week. Plus, projects that are to be submitted, plus ugh. NVM na nga. I don't wanna  think about it again--at least at the moment.

2. I feel fug. I know, I know. I am constantly disgusted [exag naman ako,girl haha) by how I look but today [this one hindi na exag, swear] is exceptionally worse. Fucket but everytime I looked at myself in the mirror today, all I can think is "fug" look away, look again, "ugly as hell" end. repeat.

3. Plus it does not help that I ate too much and I feel like a pregnant cat just wanting to sleep her life away.

4. Okay, isingit natin, 'cause I just found out [Fio JUST told me]. One of her patients died. Tragic: 19 years old, ingested muriatic acid, it was a suicide attempt. It makes me feel so bad when I hear suicide attempts and those kind of things. I feel like I could have done something but I did not [even if I never knew the person].

4.a. That 13-year-old who took his life because he was bullied for being gay. FUCK. I can't even... it's just so tragic. It's an issue close to my heart because I've always felt like people shouldn't be judged, looked down upon and persecuted solely by their preference. They have feelings and the gays I know are wonderful people with good hearts. Okay I should stop now or else I won't be able to stop.

5. I still need a good shoulder to cry on.

6. I have no time to work out... or even run [it's either raining or I have 2 exams the next day]. What the hell.

7. Have I told you already that I feel like a pregnant cat?

8. And that I really really want to talk to someone? For reals.

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